Fuck you, pay me!
As every developer, I am a member of numerous groups, email groups, chats, forums, facebook groups, Quora etc…
Usually, I really try and help people in those groups, even if they ask the most simple question, one that a developer with just a few years behind him take for absolute granted. Once in a while, there’s a question that hits me in the stomach, that touches a nerve.
I am far from taking any of this too personally, this is also becuase I will never follow up on these offers, but the reason it makes me angry is becuase other people might, some developer with less experience might fall into the bullshit some slick salesman sells to them.
One of these questions was posted today to a user group I am a member of in Israel, it’s a forum for web developers.
The message was posted by an SEO company representetive, most of the time just this title is enough to get what the content is about.
What was the message about and why did it make me angry?
Well, the message went on and on as in how they are one of the leading companies in Israel (but provided no link to a website, nor the company email, or even the name). He said that over time, they gained an astonishing experience in developing content management systems (but have none of their own).
Now, they are looking for a guy (it’s ok if he will be a beginner), that will work for no money, just for the amazing experience they have.
They will give him tips as to what the system should look like, and then he will develop it. They will then sell it to customers and “most” of the profit will go to that developer.
No data was supplied as to what the demands are and what is the quantity of the work.
Just in case you know how to read Hebrew, here’s a link to the message: here
Fuck you pay me!
A while ago, I watched a presentation over on Vimeo that was really well put together. It was nothing new to me, and I have experience these sort of behaviors when I was the CTO of a web design/development firm. What’s amazing about this talk, is that when you take out the language, it’s structured really well, and the attourney speaking there is quite a sharp guy.
2011/03 Mike Monteiro | F*ck You. Pay Me. from SanFrancisco/CreativeMornings on Vimeo.
So, what is my point?
Well, I talked about the message that through me into this post, I talked about the presentation, so what the hell is my point?
My point is that you should not work while not getting payed!
Never, Ever.
The only exception is that if you are in a partnership with a party on the same professional level as you.
The relatioship between you should be equal, what this guy is offering is far from it.
No serious professional developer I know will ever follow up on these suggestion, nor should any beginner developer.
The business of free
There are many things you can do for free that will promote you as a professional and as a person. You can build a website for a charity organization, you can contribute to open source project etc…
As a conclusion, you can watch this funny as hell youtube video.
Is this post the entrepreneur killer?
No, it is not, I am not going against people in pursuit of their dream, I am not going against people who build a startup from the ground up, I am going against messages targetting youg developers, dismissing the professional capabilities our business demands and holding back the web.
That is what I am against, nothing else.
Personal note
I really don’t get the people offering these things, how do they run a business and how are they able to request such a thing.
Did any of them ever offer anything to a client for free, will they give me a car with a sticker advertising their business?
What do you think?
Comment below and let’s discuss this issue…