Capistrano – Deploy to servers from different load balancers
As I posted back on March 14th, I work at Gogobot, an app that connects you with your friends all over the world and helps you plan your next new travel.
At Gogobotwe are working with Capistranoto deploy our production and to our staging servers.
Recently, we changed out architecture and we now have user facing production servers (where you see the pages coming from) and backend servers that run delayed_jobs, resque, photos uploading and many more things that have no business in affecting the load of the user experience.…
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Fuck you, pay me!
As every developer, I am a member of numerous groups, email groups, chats, forums, facebook groups, Quora etc…
Usually, I really try and help people in those groups, even if they ask the most simple question, one that a developer with just a few years behind him take for absolute granted. Once in a while, there’s a question that hits me in the stomach, that touches a nerve.
I am far from taking any of this too personally, this is also becuase I will never follow up on these offers, but the reason it makes me angry is becuase other people might, some developer with less experience might fall into the bullshit some slick salesman sells to them.…
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Get shit done. I mean it!
Like any other web developer that respects what he does, I am constantly trying to better myself as to how productive I am, how much I am really getting done and what is the quality of what I do.
Along the way, I tried many systems and methods for getting myself in focus, for not getting distracted by all the noise, both digital (mostly) and human around me.
I think that finally after a long time, I did find what I was looking for, and there’s nothing fancy about it, no fancy system, no calm music no nothing.…
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Foursquare live updates with the Push API using rails
Recently, I have been working extensively with the Foursquare API, also contributing to the open source foursquare2 gem.
While working on these features, I got a sneak peak preview to the new push API through Foursquare. Until I got that, I needed to pull checkins for each user, which was a slow and unefficient process.
Facebook had this feature for a while that for every checkin a user has, the application (he authorized) get a push notification to a callback URL – this is highly effective and more streamlined process.…
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Install Membase on Amazon EC2 and configure it on EBS
As your application grows (like ours did) you will need more space to store your cache.
In our case, we needed to move from memcached to membase and make use of both memory and disk space. The decision was made and we decided to go with a 2 server solution, each server has 16G of memory and 100G of EBS volume attached to it. Also, both will have membase latest stable version installed and perform as a cluster in case one falls or anything happens, a fail safe if you will.…
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SSL verification issue with the Foursquare2 gem [Solved]
I’ve been implementing a Foursquare API into a website using the foursqaure2gem.
While working on development, everything went smooth, tests passed and it was really cool to work with. However, once I deployed staging and production I immediately encountered the well known SSL issues.
1 2 3 SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed The solution actually wasn’t that trivial, I monkeypatched the gem so you can pass an SSL hash and refer to the ca_file.…
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Solving the SSL issue with the Rapleaf API
While working with the RapleafAPI, I encountered some major issues with SSL on production and staging servers.
Discarding what I did, the application just couldn’t get through to the external service using SSL and kept giving me errors regarding SSL communication.
After reading the Rapleaf gem documentation I found that you should reference your certificate file, this “telling” the service where your certificate file is.
I am working with Amazon EC2 for deployment of my application, both for production and for staging, I had some trouble finding the file, so I executed a *nix command and found the files in no time.…
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Set the correct content type when using paperclip
I have been using paperclip for image uploads for quite some time now.
On a project I am doing right now, I encountered a problem that all of the file uploaded were not in the correct content type. The content type was set as stream and not as the image type that was uploaded.
After some research I found that this problem was occurring because in the file upload process I was using fancy upload (Ajax upload using flash).…
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403 Error when using passenger for rails deployment
I have been using passenger for local Rails deployment for about 6 months now. I love the flexibility of not having to run Rails server, which enables me to work with sub domains and all kinds of other good stuff.
Lately, about a month back I started using my good friend and co-worker @elado‘s tip of putting all of my codebase on Dropbox.
Here’s a link to his post.
The most amazing thing about it is that you get constant backup with each save, and yeah, don’t get smart on me, I use GIT of course.…
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Meet the client #1 – Gogobot
Kenso specializes in Web Developmentand works with local and international clients. Recently Kenso started to work with Gogobot, which is an app that connects you with friends all over the world and makes your travel planning easier and exciting.
To better understand what’s and who’s Gogobot, here is a short video about the company’s product.
Another great explanation by Travis Katz, the CEO and co-founder of Gogobot.
Kenso’s Job Kenso will be aiding the company with:…
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